Argentina suffers some economic problems:
-inflation up to 30%
example: last week the cinema tickets were 2,50 pesos, yesterday they were sold for 4 pesos
-student working job in a restaurant: 10 pesos /hour (about 2,20 euro per hour)
price for one beer: between 7-10 pesos
-house rent in BsAs up to 250-400 €, depending on the area
-every day is some kind of demonstration, because the the bad wages
example: university classes on the streets to block traffic, fighting for better wages for the teachers and better working conditions, at the UBA there are not even confortable chairs, just bar stools
-starting salary for an engineer: about 700-800€ per month (after 6 -9 years studying!!!!)
-rising criminality on the streets against tourists
example: 2 girls from England were stolen their cell phones while phoning, on the street during the day!
-poverty line in Argentina: 50%, unemployment rate: 25%
-if you are unemployment here, you get no money from the government, because there is absolutely NO money (I think the corruption ate it...)
-the dream of every Argentinian is to work in Europe (lots of Argentinians told me they would like to work in Europe!), all the professors (of the engineers) have worked at least one year or more in Germany, France or elsewhere in Europe because they get a reasonable salary there
although most people work lots of hours for little money and don't have anything (skiing? never did this...,; Mendoza? never went there...), they are in a surprisingly good mood
I don't know how this works, but it works. Must be South America ;-)
So for a European tourist it is quite fun here, because it is cheap and the people are laid back, but if you have to work here - :-(
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