Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2008

penalty record = Führungszeugnis

2 days ago I got a city guide at night from a argentinian companero, now I know where it is safe to go and which areas I shouldn't go at night. At the touristic places, there are always people on the street and I always felt safe. During the day, it is no problem at all. Except for example "La Boca", I wanted to walk there, but turned around after a couple of minutes because there were only little children on the street begging for money. As Neuperlach in Munich, only 10 times worse. Next time I'll take the bus...

Last night I had a asado, that means a BBQ with meat, meat and meat. We were able to sit outside on the veranda, as winter in Buenos Aires is like a bad summer in Germany. Eating was started at about 10:30 pm. The night before, when I came home with my "tour guide" at about 0:30 am, my companeros where having dinner...

Today I bought a cell phone with prepaid card, only 20 €, but an old model. So this can be stolen without getting angry. A girl of my Spanish course got robbed yesterday. What did she do? Something I would not even do in Munich: put her bag with ALL her stuff BEHIND her chair in an internet cafe. Passport, Wallet, CreditCard, Penalty Records, Visa, Camera, EVERYTHING is gone... She was able to see the thief at the tape of the security cam, but how to find her (it was a girl) in a city with 15 million people???

The Argentinian people are very patient people. In the rush hour, you can often see a long line at the bus station, somtimes 100 people waiting in line. Nobody in a hurry, some talking, some daydreaming, NO hectic... Haven't seen something like that before!

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2008

subway ticket

In the subway I met two French girls
from the Spanish course -
Buenos Aires is not so huge
as supposed...

Montag, 28. Juli 2008

einparken - park your car

In order to park a car, there are lots of possibilities in BA: park spots for less money. Take out the gear, and your car will be parked bumper to bumper. If somebody need his car, the others get moved until there is enough space to get out.

A good example: In front of my university are some free parking spots. A woman can't get out because in front of her car there is absolutely no space and at the back of her car, too. Within seconds a strong man appears and pushes the other cars until there is enough space...

The next days I will try out the subway and the chaotic buses...

For the Schollheim people: Hier wohnt ein Architekt Student bzw. er arbeitet eigentlich schon, was immer das heißen mag, der wohnt seit 10 (!!!) Jahren im Wohnheim, übertrifft also unsere 6-7 Jahre Rekordhalter bei weitem. Ein richtiges Urviech is der Typ...

And today I got my penalty records. It took 4 days. In Germany it took 2 weeks and was double the price... Argentinian efficiency :-)

Sonntag, 27. Juli 2008

nochmal fotos

my residence



de Kirchner Fan

Samstag, 26. Juli 2008

in English!

From now on I'll write in (easy-) English so that my Northamerican fellows can understand! I hope it's ok with my Easteuropean, Latinamerican and Spanish fellows!!!

Today I walked around in the city a little bit (that means 4 hours, and its only 20 percent of the city). Unfortunately I didn't take my camera, so there will be pictures next time. It exists a pedestrian precinct, a very touristic street with lots of shops, especially book shops. So
I bought a spanish book (Jorge Bucay) with the hope to learn some new words.

At the east of BA there is a national recreation park with bikers and runners, and with a great view of the Atlantic ocean. Good air to breath :-) No cars allowed!

At night I cooked with my fellows in the student house. Meat, meat and meat. We started buying the stuff at 9:30 pm, so we ate around 11:00 pm. That time is normal for the weekend. Under the week it is around 9:00 pm.

The funny thing is that the night watchman (he is here every night for security) is always sitting in the kitchen with us, watching TV, talking or playing cards (I haven't found out the rules yet). Sometimes he cleans a bit the kitchen and watches that nobody breaks in. He reminds me of Mr. Flieger at Schollheim...


Freitag, 25. Juli 2008


Faculty of Mecanical Engineering, Plaza Mayor, Plaza Lavalle, Avenida 9 de Julio, my street (mi ca"sch"e)

Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2008

primer dia

... nach einem sehr langen Flug bin ich gestern abend endlich in BA angekommen. Hier ist ja eigentlich Winter, aber es sind trotzdem um die 10-15° tagsüber, ab und zu mit einem leicht kalt angehauchten Windstoß. Die Stadt ist riesig, Bilder folgen demnächst. Heut war wegen einer Demo die eine Hälfte von der Avenido de Julio gesperrt, also 8 Spuren! Ich war bei meinem Tutor in der Uni, ein LMU ähnliches altes Gebäude, das Gegenteil von Garching, ca. 15 min. zu Fuß erreichbar, Gott sei Dank. Auf der Straße sind sehr viele Leute unterwegs. Die Busse die rumfahren haben einen Rußausstoß, dass man vor lauter Rauch manchmal die Straße nicht mehr sieht.

Das Wohnheim hat ca. 40 Leute, momentan sind allerdings die meisten zu Hause. Im Aufenthaltsraum sitzen eigentlich immer Leute rum (so wie in der Stube, H2F1 :-) ), bis jetzt sind nur Argentinier hier, also Spanisch sprechen bis zum umfallen ;-). Das Verständnisniveau pendelt allerdings momentan noch so zwischen gefühlten 1 und 30 Prozent. Hier sitzen jedenfalls gerade 4 Argentinier und ich weiß nicht so wirklich worüber sie reden. Nur einen versteh ich, der spielt nämlich gerade Gitarre...
Das Flurgetrappel und Türenschlagen is so wie im Schollheim, nur etwas schwungvoller und die Leute reden meistens alle etwas lauter. Etwas ungewohnt ist dass sich mehrere Leute ein Zimmer teilen, aber die sind meistens eh nie im Zimmer, eigentlich nur zum Schlafen und für Siesta. Dafür legt aber die Putzfrau einem die Bettwäsche zurecht, und putzt das Zimmer.

Morgen geh ich mal zum Spanischkurs, der ist von morgens um 9 (!!!) bis 11:00 Uhr. Also doch nix bis mittags schlafen ;-)

Saludos desde Buenos Aires