2 days ago I got a city guide at night from a argentinian companero, now I know where it is safe to go and which areas I shouldn't go at night. At the touristic places, there are always people on the street and I always felt safe. During the day, it is no problem at all. Except for example "La Boca", I wanted to walk there, but turned around after a couple of minutes because there were only little children on the street begging for money. As Neuperlach in Munich, only 10 times worse. Next time I'll take the bus...
Last night I had a asado, that means a BBQ with meat, meat and meat. We were able to sit outside on the veranda, as winter in Buenos Aires is like a bad summer in Germany. Eating was started at about 10:30 pm. The night before, when I came home with my "tour guide" at about 0:30 am, my companeros where having dinner...
Today I bought a cell phone with prepaid card, only 20 €, but an old model. So this can be stolen without getting angry. A girl of my Spanish course got robbed yesterday. What did she do? Something I would not even do in Munich: put her bag with ALL her stuff BEHIND her chair in an internet cafe. Passport, Wallet, CreditCard, Penalty Records, Visa, Camera, EVERYTHING is gone... She was able to see the thief at the tape of the security cam, but how to find her (it was a girl) in a city with 15 million people???
The Argentinian people are very patient people. In the rush hour, you can often see a long line at the bus station, somtimes 100 people waiting in line. Nobody in a hurry, some talking, some daydreaming, NO hectic... Haven't seen something like that before!
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